Category | Topics |
Recipe Writing HelpUse this space to discuss anything recipe writing related.
How do I scrape...?Use this space to discuss anything scrape related. It could be for general guidance for complete beginners or it can be a place to discuss issues such as missing data, duplicate data and Next Page Nav issues.
Crawl IssuesUse this space to discuss Crawl issues such as invalid URLs, timing and loading problems.
Bug ReportsUse this space to inform the Data Miner team of any bugs. Most importantly, if you see an error message, please take a screenshot and provide it here.
FeaturesLooking for a feature you don’t see? We are always happy to hear about new creative ideas for features. Please leave your feature requests here.
Account QuestionsUse this space to discuss general account questions such as our upgrade/downgrade policy and how our free plan works.
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it. |